Baking and Making Food

Baking and Making Food

The Bride Wore White, But the Wedding Was Green: Environmentally Friendly Weddings

Miriam Mcdonalid

While the bride will be wearing white, it would be nice if your wedding was a green one. Being mindful of your environmental impact is something that is important to a lot of people, and there's no reason to abandon these principles on your big day. It's really not all that complicated to have a green wedding, and you don't have to sacrifice the quality and enjoyment factor of your wedding, either.

Taking It Outside

An outdoor wedding ceremony and reception minimises the need for electrical lights, reducing the overall energy consumption of your wedding. Granted, some lighting will be needed later in the day when the sun starts to set, but this will be infinitely less than what would have otherwise been needed. While it might not be possible (as it depends entirely on your schedule), you could try to hold your wedding in summer, when days are at their longest.

One-Stop Shop

If you can find such a venue, opt for a place that is capable of hosting both the ceremony and the reception. This will slash the amount of petrol used by your guests as they ferry themselves from one location to the other. If you're unable to find a suitable place to host both sections of your wedding, hire a bus to bring your guests from the first venue to the second, which again reduces petrol consumption by reducing the number of vehicles needed for the task.

On the Menu

Most formal event catering companies will be only to happy to accommodate your wishes when it comes to having an environmentally friendly wedding. They will be able to give you numerous options that can fit the bill without sacrificing culinary creativity (or perhaps more importantly, taste). It might be that you wish to include a few different vegan items on the menu, only use organic produce or perhaps only use locally produced items (thus cutting down on food miles and reducing the environmental impact of the meal).

Making It Beautiful

Find a florist that can provide organic wedding flowers. Certified organic plant life isn't limited to food, and organic flowers are grown without pesticides. You should also talk to your wedding hire company and request that only decorations that can be reused are utilised (to avoid the use of disposable items). You should also ensure that recycling bins are available at the venue to minimise the amount of waste that is sent to the landfill as a result of your wedding.

With a small amount of effort, there's no reason why your big day can't also be a green day.


2018© Baking and Making Food
About Me
Baking and Making Food

Welcome! My name is Sandy and this is my new blog which is aimed at all the food lovers out there. I live with my wonderful family in Perth, Australia. When I was working full-time, I just didn't have time to make any food. I would make things in the microwave or order takeaway. However, after I had to take some time off due to stress, I decided to start working part-time. I also decided to learn how to cook and bake. I find making food very relaxing and my mother-in-law has taught me how to make some fantastic dishes.
