Baking and Making Food

Baking and Making Food

Two factors to consider when selecting food for your catered party

Miriam Mcdonalid

If you have decided to hire a catering company to prepare a feast for your upcoming party, here are a couple of factors you should consider when deciding what food you want your caterer to prepare.

The ambience you want the event to have

It's important to make sure that the food you choose to serve at your party is in keeping with the general ambience you would like the event to have.

For example, if you want to host a party which has a relaxed and light-hearted atmosphere, it would not be a good idea to arrange a formal, five-course sit-down meal, with complex, gourmet dishes that include unusual ingredients, as this style of food and the way in which it would be served would not be in keeping with the ambience you are hoping to create.

In this scenario, it might be better to ask the catering company you have hired to create a buffet full of finger food (such as, for example, vol-au-vents, mini-burgers and stuffed mushrooms) that your guests can nibble on throughout the course of the event. This is a much more laidback and fun way to serve food and will help to create the air of informality you want to the event to have.


Like any host, you presumably want each and every one of your guests to have a wonderful time at your party. Given that the food you serve will play a huge role in how enjoyable the event is for those in attendance, it's important to do your best to ensure that everyone likes most, if not all of the items on the menu.

One way to ensure that this is the case is to provide variety. Make sure that there are alternatives to items which people with sensitive palates or strict dietary preferences might not like.

For example, whilst caviar can be delicious and is considered to be quite an indulgent treat by many, there are plenty of others who find the idea of consuming fish eggs to be repulsive. As such, if you're thinking of serving caviar as an appetiser, make sure that you offer a less pungent and controversial alternative too, such as crudites and dip or a selection of cheeses.

Similarly, if you're thinking about serving steak, chicken or pork for the main course, it's crucial to make sure that you offer a meat-free alternative for any vegetarian or vegan guests. Failing to do this could result in several of your guests having nothing substantial to eat for their main course.


2018© Baking and Making Food
About Me
Baking and Making Food

Welcome! My name is Sandy and this is my new blog which is aimed at all the food lovers out there. I live with my wonderful family in Perth, Australia. When I was working full-time, I just didn't have time to make any food. I would make things in the microwave or order takeaway. However, after I had to take some time off due to stress, I decided to start working part-time. I also decided to learn how to cook and bake. I find making food very relaxing and my mother-in-law has taught me how to make some fantastic dishes.
