Baking and Making Food

Baking and Making Food

Equipment Used In A Pizza Restaurant

Miriam Mcdonalid

Pizza is a favourite among many people. It is one of the foods that always elicits debates among different groups of people regarding who has the best of the best in the market. The best part about Pizza is the ease with which you get to eat it. It saves you the hassle that comes with preparing food. You can grab a quick bit whenever you do not have the time to spare. There are various equipment used in a pizza restaurant to ensure you get your slices of awesomeness. They include ovens, dough mixers and pizza pans.

1. Ovens – Pizza restaurants select ovens based on the volume they want to push as well as the type of pizza they serve. For example, brick ovens have a very high capacity and can prepare an average of ten pies. The drawback is that they occupy a lot of space and not many kitchens can accommodate them. If limited on space, convection ovens are suitable. However, the capacity is low making about two pies. They are ideal if a pizza restaurant does not move a lot of pizza.

2. Dough Mixer – Pizza enthusiasts count the crust as the most important part. Pizza restaurants ensure that the dough used is of the highest quality and is well mixed. A dough mixer does the job of preparing dough consistently and can push very high volumes as high as two fifty pounds. A pizza restaurant that has a high customer base ensures that the same quality is served time and time again lest they start losing customers. To meet the market demand, a dough mixer is very crucial.

3, Pizza Pan – A pizza pan is very crucial to any pizza restaurant. They come in different types depending on the kind of crust that is to be prepared. The material used is also very important as it affects the overall quality of pizza prepared. A pizza pan is also selected depending on the oven that the pizza restaurant is using. For example, a deep dish pizza pan is suitable to use in a pizza restaurant. Pizza pans also bring about different types of pizza. Pizza stones are used for the Greek type of pizzas, cast iron pizza pans are good for the Neapolitan pizza for example. There are also pizza pans that can be used for any type of pizza such as the pizza car pans.


2018© Baking and Making Food
About Me
Baking and Making Food

Welcome! My name is Sandy and this is my new blog which is aimed at all the food lovers out there. I live with my wonderful family in Perth, Australia. When I was working full-time, I just didn't have time to make any food. I would make things in the microwave or order takeaway. However, after I had to take some time off due to stress, I decided to start working part-time. I also decided to learn how to cook and bake. I find making food very relaxing and my mother-in-law has taught me how to make some fantastic dishes.
